Summer Drop-in Early Childhood

Reserve your spot by registering online, but choose one class or join us all summer long!

Preschool Language + Literacy

Reserve your spot by registering online, but choose one class or join us all summer long!

In our preschool language and literacy class, young learners aged 3 to 5 embark on an engaging journey into the world of language. Through interactive activities, songs, and games, children develop essential literacy skills such as phonological awareness, vocabulary building, and alphabet knowledge. Each session fosters a love for reading and communication, laying a solid foundation for future academic success.

Kinder Kickstart

Reserve your spot by registering online, but choose one class or join us all summer long!

In our Kinder Kickstart class, designed for children entering Kindergarten in Fall 2024, we lay the groundwork for future reading success. Through fun and interactive activities, our young learners develop crucial literacy skills and early reading readiness. From exploring letter-sound relationships to decoding simple words, each session fosters phonemic awareness and builds confidence in reading. Join us as we ignite a passion for literacy, equipping your child's brain with the tools needed for a lifetime of reading enjoyment and academic achievement.